
Corporate Governance

Constellium's Governance

Constellium is a public company, listed on the NYSE, operating with the highest ethical standards and best practices, and is answerable to our shareholders, the Board of Directors and Committees, and our worldwide code of conduct.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is collectively responsible for the management of the Company, the general conduct of the Company’s business and its corporate governance structure. The Non-Executive Directors supervise and provide guidance to the Executive Director, who is entrusted with the day-to-day management of the Company.

We maintain a one-tier board of directors consisting of both executive directors and non-executive directors (each a “director”). As a foreign private issuer under the NYSE rules, we are not required to have independent directors on our board of directors, except to the extent that our Audit Committee is required to consist of independent directors.

Audit Committee

Members: The Audit Committee consists of three Independent Directors (according to the NYSE requirements): Lori A. Walker (Chair), Isabelle Boccon-Gibod, John Ormerod.

Functions: Some of the principal duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee include overseeing and monitoring our financial reporting process and internal control system; the integrity of our consolidated financial statements; the independence, qualifications and performance of our independently registered public accounting firm; the performance of our internal audit function; our related party transactions; review of our risk assessment and related processes; and our compliance with legal, ethical and regulatory matters.

Human Resources Committee

Members: The Remuneration Committee consists of three Directors: Martha Brooks (Chair), Jean-Christophe Deslarzes, Jean-Philippe Puig.

Function: Some of the principal duties and responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee include: review, evaluate and make recommendations to the Board regarding compensation policies and establish performance-based incentives that support our long-term goals, objectives and interests; review, set and approve corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer; review and approve the compensation of all employees who report directly to the Chief Executive Officer; review and make recommendations to the Board with respect to incentive and equity based compensation plans; provide oversight concerning selection of officers, management succession planning, expense accounts, indemnification and insurance matters, and separation packages; and assist the Board in reviewing succession planning and the talent development process; assess compensation philosophy and policies to monitor risk management; and prepare responses to any shareholder proposals relating to remuneration policies of the Company.

Nominating / Governance Committee

Members: The Nominating/Governance Committee consists of five Directors: John Ormerod (Chair), Isabelle Boccon-Gibod, Michiel Brandjes, Jean-Christophe Deslarzes, Lori A. Walker.

Function: Some of the principal duties and responsibilities of the Nominating/Governance Committee include: identify and recommend to the Board candidates to be elected or appointed to the Board; draw up selection criteria and appointment procedures for Board members; recommend Committee Chairman and membership appointments and reappointments for consideration by the Board; periodically assess the size and composition of the Board, and make a proposal for a composition profile of the Board; make recommendations to the Board with respect to determinations of Director independence; conduct the Board’s annual governance review with respect to the Company; establish an appropriate process for and oversee the self-assessment of the Board (including Board self-assessment, Committee self-assessments and Director assessments), and oversee the evaluation of management; conduct timely succession planning for the Chief Executive Officer; supervise the policy of the Board on the selection criteria and appointment procedures for senior management; and consider questions of possible conflicts of interest of Board members and of senior executives.

Safety and Sustainability Committee

Members: The Safety and Sustainability Committee consists of four Independent Directors (according to the NYSE requirements):  Michiel Brandjes (Chair), Emmanuel Blot, Martha Brooks, Jean-Philippe Puig.

Functions: Some of the principal duties and responsibilities of the Safety and Sustainability Committee are to review and monitor the Company’s policies, practices and programs with respect to the management of EHS affairs, including sustainability; adequacy of the Company’s policies, practices and programs for ensuring compliance with EHS laws and regulations; and any significant EHS litigation and regulatory proceedings in which the Company is or may become involved.

Code of Conduct

Our worldwide Code of Employee and Business Conduct sets out the standard of behavior we expect from our employees. The Code governs the way Constellium acts in business, and how we expect our business partners, customers and suppliers to behave. It applies to all Constellium employees, subject to applicable local law. Compliance with the Code is essential to preserving and enhancing the Company’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen and, ultimately, to maximizing shareholder value. For suppliers, we have developed a specific Code of Conduct.

Integrity Hotline

Constellium’s Integrity Hotline is an independent service to communicate concerns anonymously and confidentially via telephone, anytime, day or night.

The Integrity Hotline is available 24/7 via toll-free telephone numbers in countries where Constellium has manufacturing facilities or major offices. Trained specialists are available to respond in English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Japanese, Slovak, and Spanish.

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Policy for Reporting Wrongdoings (Whistleblower Policy)

This policy encourages employees to speak out without fear of retaliation by establishing procedures for reporting wrongdoing, suspected wrongdoing, fraud, irregularities (financial, accounting, auditing, banking), or any violations of our policies, procedures, or Code of Conduct. To facilitate reporting, we have established an integrity hotline open to employees and external stakeholders, operated by an external third party, in all countries where we have operations, and in various languages. Callers to the integrity hotline can remain anonymous.

Insider trading Policy

We have an Insider Trading policy which sets out the restrictions on trading in Constellium securities and the use of inside information.

Policy on Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS FIRST Policy)

EHS FIRST is Constellium’s EHS Management System. Our system is described and documented in the EHS FIRST policy and manual, and Constellium’s EHS Directives and Guidelines.

Human Rights Policy and Labor Practices

Our Human Rights Policy is aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative Performance Standard. It applies to the company, our partners, and our suppliers.

Modern Slavery Statement

This statement outlines our commitment to the prevention of all forms of slavery, forced labor or servitude, child labor, and human trafficking, both in our business and in our supply chain.

Sustainability due diligence for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), as well as closure, decommissioning, and divestment processes

This policy sets out the principles for integrating sustainability risks and opportunities into our due diligence process for M&A, closures, decommissioning, and divestitures.

Sustainable Sourcing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Sustainable Sourcing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct are aligned with the principles of the UN Global Compact, and apply to all our suppliers, consultants, contractors, and agents.